
Foreign Student Admission

Except for dissemination, promotion and assistance of international students for necessity, National Chi Nan University does not outsource the admissions with commercial agencies.

招生作業時程Application Timetable



日期 Date


Spring Semester


Fall Semester


International Foundation Program


Admission Brochure Announced


Oct. 27, 2023


Oct. 27, 2023


Oct. 27, 2023


Apply online and submit required documents.

(Applications including scholarship must be submitted through the website.)


Nov. 17 – Dec. 1, 2023


Feb. 5 – Apr. 10, 2024


Nov. 17, 2023– Apr. 10, 2024


Review of applications or entrance exams


Dec. 4 – Dec. 15, 2023


Apr. 24 – May 8, 2024


Apr. 24 – May 8, 2024


Admission Results Announced



Jan. 5, 2024 (tentative)



The 2 week of June, 2024 (tentative)



The 2 week of June, 2024 (tentative)

錄取者回復入學意願Applicants respond to the enrollment decision.


Mailing the admission letter to applicants



Jan. 12, 2024 (tentative)



The 3 week of June, 2024 (tentative)



The 3 week of June, 2024 (tentative)


Check-in and registration


February 2022


September 2024


September 2024

Click for 2024 Foreign Student Admission Brochure

申請文件Required Documents

  • 入學申請表The application form
  • 護照影本One copy of the applicant’s passport
  • 最高學歷畢業證書One copy of the highest-level diploma
  • 最高學歷歷年成績單One copy of the transcript of the highest degree earned
  • 推薦信Letters of recommendation
  • 自傳An autobiography
  • 留學計畫書One study plan
  • 財力證明書One copy of a financial statement
  • 語言能力測驗證明 Language proficiency test certificate
  • 依照各系所簡章分則要求內容繳交相關文件Other documents as required by individual departments                    

申請網站 Application System



  • 須符合下列身份資格之一者,始具備外國學生申請入學之資格:

  • 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍,符合下列規定者,得依本辦法規定申請入學:
  1. 未曾以僑生身分在臺就學。
  2. 未於申請入學當學年度依僑生回國就學及輔導辦法經海外聯合招生委員會分發。

Applicant Eligibility:

A person of foreign nationality who has never held Republic of China (“R.O.C.”) nationality and who meets the following requirements is permitted to apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations:

  1. The person has never undertaken studies in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student.

  2. The person has not been given a placement in the current academic year by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan.

  • 具外國國籍並符合下列規定,且最近連續居留海外六年以上者,亦得依本辦法規定申請入學:
  1. 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者,應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍。
  2. 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍,於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者,應自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年。
  3. 前二款均應符合前項第一款及第二款規定。

A person of foreign nationality who meets the following requirements and who in the immediate past has resided overseas continuously for at least six years is also permitted to apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least eight years.

  1. A person who at the time of their application also holds dual R.O.C. nationality shall have never had household registration in Taiwan.
  2. A person who before the time of their application also held dual R.O.C. nationality but no longer does at the time of their application shall have renounced their R.O.C. nationality with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior on a date at least eight full years before making their application.
  3. A person referred to in either of the preceding two subparagraphs shall meet the requirements stipulated in Subparagraph 1 and Subparagraph 2 of the previous paragraph.
  • 具外國國籍,兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格,且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時於香港、澳門或海外連續居留滿六年以上者。

An applicant of foreign nationality, who is eligible for permanent residence in Hong Kong or Macao, who has never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided in Hong Kong, Macao, or elsewhere overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

  • 曾為大陸地區人民具外國國籍且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時已連續居留海外六年以上者。

A person who was formerly from the Mainland Area and who has foreign nationality and has have never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission to an educational institution.

  • 須符合修讀各級學位之入學資格:
  • 符合我國教育部採認之高中、大學或獨立學院畢業:


  • 具有與我國學制相當之同等學力資格者。

Requirements to apply for a program:

  1. To apply for a bachelor’s program, a high school diploma is required. To apply for a master’s program a bachelor’s diploma is required. To apply for a doctoral program master’s diploma is required. Diplomas must be issued by schools recognized by the R.O.C. Ministry of Education.
  2. If no diploma, applicants must hold equivalent qualifications for undergraduate or graduate study.
  • 欲申請就讀學士班者,須未曾在我國以外國學生身分申請並完成高中學校學程。

Applicants who have completed secondary education in the Republic of China are not eligible to apply to bachelor degree programs as foreign students.

  • 須未曾遭入學學校以操行、學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者。

International students who are expelled from any university/college after admission due to any misconduct, poor academic performance or a conviction under the Criminal Code may not thereafter reapply.

  • 須未曾因違反本校校規情節重大而遭本校註銷選讀資格者。

Applicants who have been previously disqualified from participating in National Chi Nan University courses as a result of any violation of university regulations are ineligible to apply.

  • 須符合招生簡章各系所個別要求之申請條件。

Applicants must meet all individual departmental requirements.

入學語言能力門檻 Minimum language proficiency requirements


For Chinese-Taught Programs: Chinese Proficiency Test Certificate: Equivalent to or higher than A2 level.

申請英文授課系所:英語能力測驗CEFR B1級(含)以上之證明

For English-Taught Programs: English Proficiency Test Certificate: Equivalent to or higher than CEFR B1 level. (TOEFL or equivalent level of other English proficiency tests.)


In the case of departments with higher language requirements, a language proficiency test certificate is required to be submitted according to individual departments regulations.

財力證明基準Financial Statement



Financial evidence of support for study in Taiwan: Proof of deposit in a bank account or proof of a scholarship from the government, the university or a private organization in the amount of US$3,000 or more.

※Financial statements should not be issued by agents, company names or individual certificates.

學雜費收退費基準Tuitions and Other Fees: The unit of fees: NTD

收費標準一覽表 NCNU Schedule of Tuitions and Other Fees

學雜費退費基準 Refund of Tuition and Incidental Fees for Withdrawal or Suspension


Time of Withdrawal/Suspension


Tuition fees


General fees


Health Insurance


Before/On the day class starts

退 2/3

Two thirds


Full Refund


No refund

上課未達學期 1/3 者

The day class starts and before one third of the semester has passed

退 2/3

Two thirds

退 2/3

Two thirds


No refund

上課逾學期 1/3 者

Class has started (including the day class starts) for a third of the semester, but before two thirds of the semester has passed

退 1/3

One third

退 1/3

One third


No refund

上課逾學期 2/3 者

Class has started (including the day class starts) for two thirds of the semester


No refund


No refund


No refund

外國學生獎助學金NCNU international student scholarship


There are two types of NCNU International Student Scholarship:


  • 碩士班:校級獎助學金每名每月新臺幣 2,000 至 4,000 元整。獎勵期限為1學期。

For Master Degree Programs: Minimum amount of scholarship per person per month ranges from NT$2,000 to NT$4,000. The award period is one semester.

  • 博士班:校級獎助學金每名每月新臺幣 6,000 至 8,000 元整。獎勵期限為1學期。

For PhD Degree Programs:  Minimum amount of scholarship per person per month ranges from NT$6,000 to NT$8,000. The award period is one semester.

學雜費減免Tuition Reduction:

學雜費 (學分費)減免分為部分減免(同本校一般生收費標準)及全額減免。

Two types of fee waivers: Partial reduction (Tuition and fee criteria for domestic registered students) and full waiver.

  • 學士班受獎年限最多4年。

For Undergraduate Programs:The maximum Total reduction duration for a bachelor’s program is four years.

  • 碩士班受獎年限最多2年。
    For Master Degree Programs: The maximum Reduction of tuition fees (tuition per credit) for the master’s degree programs are up to 12 credits per semester for two years.
  • 博士班受獎年限最多4年。

For Ph.D. Degree Programs: The maximum Reduction of tuition fees (tuition per credit) for the PhD program is up to 12 credits per semester for four years.
詳情請洽,請參考外國學生獎學金要點For further details, please refer to the guidelines

▲ The guidelines (English New Version) 
