外僑居留證 (Alien Resident Certificate),為持有人在臺合法身分證明文件。如同本國人之中華民國身分證,代表一個人身分,在臺灣享有其相關權利與義務。於居留證上載有持有人基本資料、居留期限、相片等資訊。
The Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) is the identity document that serves as proof of the bearer's legal status in Taiwan. It is similar to the National Identification Card of citizens of Taiwan, and it reflects the bearer's status, and the rights they are entitled to in Taiwan and their obligations. The ARC records basic information about the bearer, such as their duration of stay, and includes their photograph.
辦理外僑居留證How to apply for an ARC?
持「居留簽證」入境臺灣,或是在中華民國境內獲改換發居留簽證者,申請人請於入國後30日內,或是居留簽證換發之翌日起30日內,至移民署官網「外國與外僑 / 大陸與港澳 / 無戶籍國民學生線上申辦系統」申請,逾時申辦,處新臺幣 2,000-10,000 元罰鍰。
例如於 2024 年 3 月 16 日入境,3 月 17 日為第 1 日,3 月 18 日為第 2 日以此類推,故申請人須在 2024 年 4 月 15 日之前,至移民署官網「外國與外僑 / 大陸與港澳 / 無戶籍國民學生線上申辦系統」申請。此外,若是持 FS、FC 或 FR 停留簽證之學生,得於停留期限屆滿前15 日,於線上申辦系統申請居留。
Any foreigner who enters Taiwan with a resident visa, or who has received their resident visa after changing their visa in Taiwan, must apply for an ARC online, using the Students Online Application System on the official website of the National Immigration Agency. This must be done within 30 days of arriving in Taiwan or within 30 days from the day following their visa being changed to a resident visa.
A fine of between NTD 2,000 and NTD 10,000 will be imposed if a person fails to apply within this period. To illustrate, if a foreigner enters Taiwan on March 16, 2024, March 17 is the first day, March 18 is the second, and so on. In this example, the applicant must apply for an ARC online using the National Immigration Agency's official website by April 15, 2024 at the latest. Service centers no longer accept paper applications and all applications must be submitted online. Additionally, students holding an FS, FC, or FR visitor visa may apply online for residence 15 days prior to the termination of their duration of stay.
應備相關文件及費用Required Documents and Fees
1.申請表 One application form
2.護照及居留簽證 Passport and resident visa, and a photocopy of each
3.外僑居留證(初次申請免附) ARC (not required for initial application)
4.兩吋證件照(同身分證規格) One two-inch ID photo (the same specifications as for a National ID card)
5.蓋有當學期註冊章之學生證或1個月內開立之在學證明書(尚未註冊得以入學分發通知書替代) Their student ID card with the registration stamp for the current semester, or a Current Student Status Certificate issued within the last month (an applicant who has not yet registered may submit their admission notice instead)
6.居住地證明(如房屋契約或是學校開立地址之住宿證明) Proof of residence (e.g. a rental lease, or a certificate issued by the educational institution regarding having accommodation at a particular address)
7.費用:新臺幣1,000元 Application fee: NTD 1,000
Processing time: approximately 10 days (not counting weekends and public holidays).
線上申辦 Online application
外國與外僑 / 大陸與港澳 / 無戶籍國民學生線上申辦系統
Students Online Application System on the official website of the National Immigration Agency
※ A person who is applying for an ARC for the first time who hasn't yet registered at the educational institution may use their admission notice for their application. They will initially receive an ARC for an approved stay of 6 months. After completing their registration and before that 6-month period ends, they must submit documentary evidence that they are a cur-rent student to extend their ARC for another 6 months.
居留證延期 Extending an ARC
外國人居留期滿有繼續之必要時,應於居留期限屆滿前 3 個月內,至移民署官網「外國與外僑 / 大陸與港澳 / 無戶籍國民學生線上申辦系統」申辦外僑居留證延期。
A foreigner who needs to extend their residency must apply for an extension of their ARC online using the Students Online Application System on the official website of the National Immigration Agency within 3 months of the date that their residency will expire.
應備相關文件及費用Required Documents and Fees
1.申請書 Application form
2.護照 Passport
3.外僑居留證 Their current ARC
4.蓋有當學期註冊章之學生證或1個月內開立之在學證明 Their student ID card with the registration stamp for the current semester, or a Current Student Status Certificate issued within the last month.
5.兩吋證件照(同身分證規格) One two-inch ID photo (the same specifications as for a National ID card)
6.費用:新臺幣1,000元 Fee: NTD 1,000
7.委託書(如有委託他人辦理) If the application is submitted by an agent, the applicant's written authority to do so.
核辦天數約10個工作天 (不含假日)。 Processing time: approximately 10 days (not counting weekends and public holidays).
◆人在境外,外僑居留證快到期,該如何延期? 居留證到期前3個月內,至移民署官網「外國與外僑/大陸與港澳/無戶籍國民學生線上申辦系統」上傳護照、居留證及在學證明及蓋有當學期註冊章之學生證或1個月內開立之在學證明申請延期。 ◆ If a person is not in Taiwan and their resident certificate will soon expire, how can it be extended? Within 3 months of the date when their resident certificate will expire, the person can and apply for an extension online on the website of the National Immigration Agency by uploading a copy of their passport, resident certificate, and a Current Student Status Certificate issued within the last month. |
外僑居留證遺失補發 Replacing a lost ARC
Please submit the required documents and visit the National Immigration Agency service center in your county or municipality to apply for a replacement to be issued.
應備相關文件及費用Required Documents and Fees
1.申請書 Application form
2.護照 Passport
3.兩吋證件照(同身分證規格) One two-inch ID photo (the same specifications as for a National ID card)
4.在學證明 Current Student Status Certificate
5.遺失居留證聲明書或報案證明 Statement that ARC has been lost or evidence that the loss was reported to the police
6.費用:新臺幣500元 Fee: NTD 500
核辦天數約10個工作天 (不含假日)。Processing time: approximately 10 days (not counting weekends and public holidays).
外僑居留證資料異動Changing ARC details
居住地異動 Change of address
外國人變更居留地址或服務處所時,應於30日內備妥文件辦理資料異動,違規者,處新臺幣 2,000-10,000 元罰鍰。
A foreigner who changes their residential address or their place of employment must assemble all the required documents and apply within 30 days to have this change recorded; failure to do so will result in a fine of between NTD 2,000 and NTD 10,000.
應備資料 Required items
1.申請書 Application letter
2.護照 Passport
3.外僑居留證 ARC
4.兩吋證件照(同身分證規格) One two-inch ID photo (the same specifications as for a National ID card)
5.房屋契約或是學校開立地址之住宿證明 A rental lease, or a certificate issued by the educational institution regarding having accommodation at a particular address
護照遺失或更換異動Loss of passport, or passport replacement
Lost passport
If a passport is lost, the passport-holder must first assemble the relevant documents and visit a National Immigration Agency service center in person and report the loss. After getting a new passport or travel documents, the person must go online and apply to have their passport details updated or have their passport details updated when they extend their residence certificate.
護照如有其他因素做更換,請線上申辦護照資料異動或延期併同異動。 Passport replacement
If a passport needs to be replaced for any other reason, the passport-holder must go online and apply to have their passport details updated or have their passport details updated when they extend their residence certificate.
應備資料 Required items
1.申請書 Application letter
2.新、舊護照 (遺失案僅提供遺失護照影本) Old passport and new passport (if reporting the loss of a passport, provide a photocopy of the lost passport)
3.外僑居留證 ARC
4.兩吋證件照(同身分證規格) One two-inch ID photo (the same specifications as for a National ID card)
未依規定變更外僑居留證資料 Failure to update your ARC information as required
違規次數 No. of times |
罰鍰金額 Penalty |
第一次 1st offense |
新臺幣2,000元 NTD 2,000 |
第二次 2nd offense |
新臺幣5,000元 NTD 5,000 |
第三次 3rd offense |
新臺幣10,000元 NTD 10,000 |
外僑居留證逾期ARC expiry
境內逾期 Expiry within Taiwan |
境外逾期 Expiry outside Taiwan |
說明 Details |
逾期居留未滿30日,原申請居留原因仍繼續存在者,經處罰鍰後,得重新申請居留。逾期居留30日(含第30天)以上者,不得重辦居留,需重新申請簽證入境。 If a foreigner overstays their period of residence by less than 30 days and the reason for their original residency application continues to exist, they may reapply for residency after paying a fine. A foreigner who overstays the period of their residence by 30 days or more is not permitted to reapply for residence and must first leave Taiwan and then reapply for a visa for entry. |
若居留證在境外逾期,應在境外申請簽證入 境後,至服務站重新申請辦理居留證,不可以以逾期之居留證繳交罰款後續辦理居留證。 If a person's resident certificate expires while they are outside of Taiwan, they must apply for a visa for entry and then reapply for a resident certificate at a service center. The person is not permitted to simply pay a fine and reapply for residence on the basis of their expired resident certificate. |
罰鍰 Fines |
逾期天數 Days Overstayed |
罰鍰金額 Amount |
需重新辦理居留簽證,入境後再辦理居留證。 The person must first re-apply for a resident visa, and then re-apply for a resident certificate after entering Taiwan. |
10日以下 Up to 10 days |
新臺幣1萬元 NTD 10,000 |
11~30日 11–30 days |
新臺幣2萬元 NTD 20,000 |
31~60日 31–60 days |
新臺幣3萬元 NTD 30,000 |
61~90日 61–90 days |
新臺幣4萬元 NTD 40,000 |
91日以上 91 days or more |
新臺幣5萬元 NTD 50,000 |
注意事項 Reminders
A foreigner who has an ARC may make multiple entries into Taiwan during their permitted stay, without having to apply for a new ARC.
During a residency period, if the purpose for a student's residency ceases to exist (e.g. a student defers or abandons their studies), their approval to stay will end and their ARC will be revoked. If such a situation occurs, the student's educational institution must report this within a prescribed period and must also inform the student to go to the National Immigration Agency service center in the area where they have been staying, with their plane ticket for departure, passport, resident certificate, and evidence that they have deferred or abandoned their studies to ask about the deadline for leaving Taiwan and hand back their resident certificate.
Illegal work is strictly forbidden; during their temporary or longer residency in Taiwan, a foreigner is not permitted to engage in activities or work that are not consistent with the reason that they have been allowed to stay or temporarily stay. Any violations will be subject to penalties in accordance with the pertinent regulations.