SOP for Participating INT Conference Subsidy

National Jinan International University

【Subsidies for full-time teachers(含專案教師)及學生出席國際會議】

Standard operating procedure

  1. Purpose:為鼓勵本校專任教師(含專案教師)及學生於重要國際學術會議中發表論文,以提昇本校學術研究能量及國際學術地位。
  2. in accordance with:國立暨南國際大學補助專任教師(含專案教師)及學生出席國際學術會議作業要點。
  3. Scope of application:本校專任教師、專案教師及在學學生(不含在職專班)
  4. Work flow description:
    1. 國際及兩岸事務處於每年3月、9月及11月各發一次申請通告,提醒本校各教學單位之專任教師及學生提出申請。
    2. 申請人應備齊相關資料(申請表、國際學術會議主辦單位之邀請函或論文接受函、論文摘要、國際會議日程表等會議相關資料、未獲國科會或校外單位補助之證明文件)經(指導教授)系所主管、院長簽核後,於會議舉辦前一個月送國際及兩岸事務處提出申請。
    3. The International and Cross-Strait Affairs Office will accept the application after confirming that the required documents are correct.
    4. 以隨到隨審為原則,於接獲國科會或其他校外單位申請補助結果之證明文件後,隨即回復申請人審核結果。
    5. For approved subsidies, if there is any change or cancellation of the itinerary, it shall be implemented according to administrative procedures after approval.
    6. The recipient of the subsidy shall complete the payment of the report on going abroad (including the briefing, the full text of the paper or the poster) and apply for the expense report within two months from the date of returning to the country at the latest.
      For those who return to China after November each year, if it is indeed impossible to complete the report of going abroad and report the expenses within the time limit mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the International Office shall collect and approve the report and complete it before January 31 of the following year.
    7. The case is closed.
  5. Operation flow chart:國際處首頁 > 國際移動 > 補助師生出席國際會議 > 申請流程
  6. Annex (table):國際處首頁 > 國際移動> 補助師生出席國際會議 > 表單