On-campus subsidies for overseas volunteers/internship programs and application forms



National Jinan International University

International Volunteer/Overseas Professional Internship Program In-School Subsidy Guide 

  • Purpose:In order to encourage students (including overseas Chinese and foreign students) to go to foreign institutions and companies for international volunteering or workplace internships, to expand the opportunities for young domestic students with development potential to participate in international exchanges and cooperation activities, in order to cultivate international vision and practical experience Of professionals.
  • in accordance with:The main points of the National Jinan International University's selection of outstanding students to go abroad.
  • Scope of application
    • Instructor: a full-time or part-time teacher of the school.
    • Elective students: Students who have registered at this school for at least one semester, and must be students (including overseas Chinese students, but excluding domestic and foreign students in specialized classes) during the period of going abroad to before the completion of the funding verification.
  • Application deadline:From now until May 14, 110 (Friday), the deadline for receipt (subject to the delivery of the application materials to the International and Cross-Strait Affairs Office), overdue will not be accepted.
  • Application documents
    • Overseas Internship/Volunteer In-school Subsidy Application Form
    • International Volunteer Team/Overseas Professional Internship Plan Book
  1. origin
  2. Service purpose
  3. Go to the service country or region
  4. Service hours and items
  5. Internship/Volunteer Roster
  6. Implementation methods (including assessment of service needs, recruitment of intern/volunteer members, training plans, and follow-up publicity plans)
  7. Expected result benefit
  8. Budget table
  9. Compliance with the UN Sustainability Indicators SDGs
  • Subsidy principle
    • Each application must have an instructor in order to accept the application.
    • This subsidy can be applied for at the same time as the Ministry of Education Xuehai Zhumeng and Xinnanxiang Xuehai Zhumeng. If the team is determined to receive the Xuehai series subsidy from the Ministry of Education, the subsidy will no longer be given.
    • Those who have applied to other agencies for subsidy programs (such as the Youth Development Agency or the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission) will be given priority in subsidies. butSubsidy itemsRepeated claims are not allowed, and offenders are disqualified and recover the subsidies.
    • Priority subsidies will be given to volunteers/professional trainees who combine with overseas Chinese and foreign students.
    • Those who have applied for and received subsidies from other units in the school will not be subsidized.
    • The period of subsidy going abroad is from January 1, 000 to December 31, 2000, and the verification procedures shall be completed within the annual verification period announced by the chief accounting office.
    • The subsidy scope is a round-trip economy class air ticket from Taiwan to the service or internship institution (country) and living expenses, verified and reimbursed (please attach an electronic ticket and boarding pass when writing off).
    • The subsidy for living expenses is set out in accordance with the Ministry of Education's "List of Public Expenditure Items and Expenditure Amounts for Public Expenditure International Students" as the payment principle.
    • The approved subsidy team, if there is any change in the service/internship agency, number of intern/volunteer workers, change of the itinerary or cancellation of the itinerary, etc., they should sign for the approval of this department in advance. Any change without consent will be subject to the recovery of all subsidies.
  • Obligation
    • After approval of the subsidy, the recipient of the subsidy must sign the "Overseas Professional Internship and International Volunteer Program Administrative Contract" within 2 weeks before leaving the country, and the subsidized team can borrow before going abroad for internship/volunteering.
    • Upload an overseas internship/volunteer achievement report (by team), results photos, and a 5-minute achievement short video within one month of returning to your country. Teams that have not uploaded the achievement report will not be allowed to complete the case.
    • The subsidized team must participate in the results presentation and follow-up promotional activities arranged by the school.
  • Precautions
    • The texts, pictures, and videos provided by the subsidized team shall be deemed to have granted the school the right to use the work in any way at any place and at any time during the existence of the copyright property rights. The school does not need to pay any fees and has the right to Turn it into a reference for the school to promote related businesses.
    • Before going abroad for internship/volunteer service, please pay attention to the latest developments of natural disasters in the local country, and refer to the foreign travel warning classification table of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Issued by the Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Health and Welfare國外旅遊疫情資訊, So as not to affect the personal safety of all service participants, and ask the instructor and the department to master the team's team departure status.
    • If there are any uncovered matters, please follow the “Key Points of Selecting Outstanding Students to Go Abroad” and other relevant regulations.
  • Source of funding: subsidies from the Ministry of Education (such as the Deep Plowing Program for Higher Education) or the School Affairs Fund
  • contact method:

Chen Yingmei, International and Cross-Strait Affairs Office

Tel: 049-2910960 Extension: 3664

Email: yingcchen@mail.ncnu.edu.tw



<<Related standard operating procedures SOP>>

Documents required at the application stage

