
發佈單位 : 國際處 發佈者 : 李芬霞專任助理
【MOE Elite Scholarship Program新南向培英專案】
Scholarship for Lecturers from South and Southeast Asia
 NCNU Applicable English-Taught Master Program: College of Management Business Administration and Information Technology Innovation and Application Master’s Degree Program in English
 全英語授課碩士學位學程:管理學院商業管理及資訊科技創新應用全英語碩士學位學程

1.University lecturers or professors in South and Southeast Asia expected to enroll in Master’s degree programs for the first semester of the 2025 academic year.
2.Applicants must apply directly to National Chi Nan University’s foreign student admissions between February 5 to April 10, 2025 for the Fall Semester of 2025.
3.Please note that admission applications and scholarship applications are separate. An applicant who receives this Elite Scholarship award is NOT guaranteed an NCNU entrance admission, and vice versa.
 受獎資格:
1. 東南亞及南亞國家大學講師預計於114學年度上學期錄取入學之碩士生。
2. 此獎學金申請者必須於114年2月5日至114年4月10日依2025年外國學生招生簡章規定申請國立暨南國際大學外國學生入學,其入學學期為114學年度秋季學期。
3. 請注意獎學金申請文件與暨大申請入學文件是分開作業的;獎學金獲獎生並非表示取得暨大入學資格,反之亦然,請務必注意入學及獎學金的申請時程。

Commences 2025 Fall Semester
 就讀學期:

Master’s: 2 Years
*To maintain eligibility, recipients must achieve an average score of 80 or above.
 學位最長補助期限:
碩士班: 2 年

Recipients will be awarded NT $25,000 per month.
*This scholarship does not waive tuition. Students will need to pay tuition and credit fees.
 獎助內容:

1. Application Period: October 11- November 15, 2024
2. Requirements:
a) CV
b) Language Certificate — Applicants of English-taught programs must achieve CEFR B1 or above
c) Certificate of Employment (English version)
3. Submit all application materials to the Office of International Affairs at oiancnu@gmail.com
4. Successful applicants will be notified before February 10, 2025 via email.
 申請方式:
1. 申請期間:2024年10月11日至2024年11月15日止
2. 應繳文件:
(1) 個人履歷簡介。
(2) 語言證明:英語文能力測驗應達CEFR B1(含)級以上
(3) 東南亞及南亞國家公私立大專校院現職講師證明。
3. 將上述資料繳交至國際事務處 oiancnu@gmail.com。
4. 獎學金受獎結果公告擬於2024年2月10日前透過email方式通知。

1. Hold Taiwan (R.O.C.) nationality or qualify as an overseas Chinese student.
2. Are enrolled in or have retained admission at a university in Taiwan. (This restriction does not apply to students graduating this school year who are looking to pursue their next degree; however, they must still be a lecturer from a South or Southeast Asian country.)
3. Previously studied in Taiwan for a degree at the same level.
4. Are exchange students or dual-degree students through a partnership agreement with an overseas institution.
5. Have already financial received aid through this program for over three years.
6. Have received financial aid from any government program to support education.
 惟有下列情形之一者,不得申請本計畫補助款:
1. 具僑生身分或中華民國國籍。
2. 已保留國內大學校院學籍或已在臺註冊入學就讀國內大學校院者。但申請下一階段學位之應屆畢業生,不在此限,惟仍須符合東南亞及南亞國家大學講師之資格。
3. 曾在臺就讀擬申請之同一級學位課程。
4. 在臺就讀期間為我各大學校院依據與外國學校簽訂學術合作協議所招收之交換學生或雙(聯)學位生。
5. 受領本計畫各級學位課程獎學金總期限超過 3 年。
6. 在臺就學期間同時受領我政府機關(構)之獎補助金。

1. Recipients are NOT concurrently eligible for the NCNU International Student Scholarship.
2. Recipients who violate Taiwanese laws and regulations, are subject to serious disciplinary action, or withdraw/are expelled from NCNU will have their scholarships revoked.
3. Recipients who 1. Go overseas to another country as an exchange student or dual/joint degree student or 2. Depart Taiwan without Ministry of Education consent will have their scholarships revoked. They may not claim the remainder of their scholarship nor resume receiving aid upon returning to Taiwan.
 注意:
1. 在學期間不得申請暨大外國學生獎學金。
2. 受獎生在學期間如觸犯我國法律、受本校記大過處分、休學或退學處分,其獎學金將廢止。
3. 受獎生以交換學生或雙(聯)學位生身分出國就讀者及未經教育部同意而自行離臺者,應廢止其獎學金,所餘受獎期限不得保留或展延。

1. National Chi Nan University: https://www.ncnu.edu.tw/?Lang=en
2. Admission Application to NCNU: https://exam.ncnu.edu.tw/FApply.html
3. Attachment
(1) List of recommended high-quality universities and priority allocation schools in Southeast Asia and South Asia.
(2) NCNU Elite Scholarship Program Application Form